Confession time: We love clothes. A little too much, perhaps—certainly more than our tiny closets (or lack thereof) can handle. The result: Our precious sartorial impulses are crammed into an overstuffed closet, our makeshift shoe racks are bending at the center, and our dresser drawers are barely closing. Sounds familiar? You, too, may be in need of a closet overhaul. Small-space living, especially in rentals, can be challenging on the storage side—you may be sharing a hallway closet with your roommate, or perhaps you have no closet at all. That is no reason to revert to college days and craft a rug made of clothes.
To solve our clothing-storage woes, we tapped organizational expert Amelia Meena of Appleshine. With years of experience as a professional lifestyle organizer in the tight quarters of Manhattan, we knew she would be a treasure trove of creative small-space solutions. For instance, did you know women typically wear only 10% of their wardrobe 99% of the time? We didn't, but now that we think about it—we're entirely guilty of this. Channel this newfound knowledge into organizing fuel, and follow these five simple steps to overhaul your bedroom into an ultra-organized space.
Original article and pictures take www.mydomaine.com site
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